Cave-Link Measuring Stations
Grafik mit 1 bis 4 Messwertreihen
- Wasserstand Höllen-Schacht Siphon (HOEL) (AGH, 1421 m ü.M.)
- Temperatur Höllen-Schacht Siphon (HOEL) (AGH, 1421 m ü.M.)
Enddatum: 2025-02-12 13:28:05 | Messungen: 0 | Link dieser Grafik |
Messtage: 14 | Abfrage-Limite: 0 | Link als Favorit/Bookmark speichern |
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With the help of the Cave-Link (CL) data communication and measurement system physical parameters, like e.g. pressure (water, air), temperature (water, air), rainfall and relative humidity at different locations in caves and outside are automatically collected and transmitted to a central database. The measured values can be read here and presented in a graph.
Cave-Link devices can also transmit short messages (SMS) and are used this way during speleology projects and rescue missions. Read more here.
Hölloch E1
(736 m ü.M.) |
(658 m ü.M.) |
Pegel | 12.02.2025
12:00 |
0.2 m
5.93 °C |
(668 m ü.M.) |
(647 m ü.M.) |
12:00 |
0.2 m
6.13 °C |
13:00 |
6.4 m
5.58 °C |
(704 m ü.M.) |
(691 m ü.M.) |
10:00 |
703.9 m ü.M.
5.69 °C |
08:00 |
0.1 m
5.85 °C |
Schl. Brünnen
(635.4 m ü.M.) |
(670 m ü.M.) |
13:30 |
23.3 cm
5.96 °C |
12:00 |
10.27 °C
4h: 0.2 mm 24h: 1.2 mm |
(880 m ü.M.) |
(1'050 m ü.M.) |
15:00 |
8.88 °C
4h: 0.0 mm 24h: 1.0 mm |
13:00 |
8.05 °C
4h: 0.0 mm 24h: 1.0 mm |
Mittlist Weid
(1'261 m ü.M.) |
(1'653 m ü.M.) |
14:00 |
7.48 °C
4h: 0.0 mm 24h: 1.8 mm |
14:00 |
7.51 °C
4h: 2.0 mm 24h: 2.0 mm |
(2'200 m ü.M.) |
(2'230 m ü.M.) |
14:00 |
2.73 °C
4h: 1.4 mm 24h: 1.4 mm |
14:00 |
1.36 °C
4h: 1.2 mm 24h: 1.2 mm |
Cave-Link Measurement Data
- Graph/Export of CL measurement values (Webform for 1 to 4 measurement series)
- Graph/Export of CL measurement level comparison (m water head)
- Graph/Export of CL measurement level comparision (m a.s.l)
- Overview of all Measuring Stations in surrounding Hoelloch area
Short data on mobile phone:
Cave-Link Measuring Stations AGH (Muotatal) |
Measured |
Object |
Region | Cave | Height (m a.s.l) |
oldest measured values |
Export to CSV |
"Schlichenden Bruennen" (Bridge, SCBB) | P, WT, LT | AGH | Muotatal | no | 635.4 | 2007-12-07 | all data |
"Schlichenden Bruennen" (BAFU Station-ID: 2499) | P, WT | BAFU | Muotatal | no | 638 | 1998 | |
Hoelloch Entrance E1 / (BAFU Station-ID: 2636) | P | AGH/BAFU | Muotatal | yes | 736 | 2008 | all data |
Sandhalde | P, T | AGH | Muotatal | yes | 658 | 2009-02-14 | all data |
Keller | P, T | AGH | Muotatal | yes | 668 | 2008-03-24 | all data |
Riesengang | P, T | AGH | Muotatal | yes | 647 | 2008-03-24 | all data |
Ratsaal | P, T | AGH | Muotatal | yes | 704 | 2010-11-20 | all data |
Schuttunnel | P, T | AGH | Muotatal | yes | 691 | 2010-12-27 | all data |
Donnertal | P, T | AGH | Muotatal | yes | 648 | 2007-01-27 | all data |
Waerterhaus (Rain gauge) | N, LT, RF | AGH | Muotatal | no | 670 | 2011-04-21 | all data |
Muesenbalm (Rain gauge) | N, LT, RF | AGH | Muotatal | no | 880 | 2018-10-27 | all data |
Riedmattli (Rain gauge) | N, LT, RF | AGH | Muotatal | no | 1'050 | 2018-10-27 | all data |
Mittlist Weid (Rain gauge) | N, LT, RF | AGH | Muotatal | no | 1'261 | 2011-04-22 | all data |
Floescheggen (Rain gauge) | N, LT | AGH | Muotatal | no | 1'653 | 2011-04-20 | all data |
Twaerenen (Rain gauge) | N, LT | AGH | Muotatal | no | 2'200 | 2011-05-04 | all data |
Stoellen (Rain gauge) | N, LT, RF | AGH | Muotatal | no | 2'230 | 2018-09-15 | all data |
Hoellenschacht | P, T | AGH | Muotatal | yes | 1'421 | 2010-03-13 | all data |
Lochbach-Cave | P, WT, LT | HGM | Muotatal | yes | 620 | 2007-02-17 | all data |
Note 1): P=Water-Level, WT=Water temperature, LT=Air temperature, T=Temperature, LD=Air pressure, N=Rainfall, RF=Relative humidity